Sunday, February 8, 2009

I chose to critique Oulipoems by Millie Ness and Martha Deed. It is an interactive poetry website which is very easy to navigate. No guess work is involved as to which link to click; all are clearly labeled. All of their games are some type of word or line scrambler to help get ideas flowing. I am not sure what the purpose of the website is, beyond entertainment. Perhaps a political view was trying to be put across, as there are many political words and phrases to be found around the site.

The multimedia image Sundays in the Park has to be the most creative, as well as my favorite piece. It has several lines jumbled together. In the background, there is a person reading the lines as is. The first line reads ‘is [sic] tart warren’ before you click it. Once you click it, it changes to ‘start [sic] war in’. Other lines include ‘conned [sic] lisa rise’ that changes into ‘codole [sic] lisa rise’ and finally ‘condoleeza [sic] rice’. It’s fascinating. Combined with the person speaking in the background, it can become a bit overwhelming once you add in the ever changing lines. I still don’t know what the purpose of this particular game was. For me, it was simply entertaining, but that could change with each viewer.

The Poggle page was the one I disliked most. I am not a fan of poetry, and the lines we were given to make poems out are silly. It’s a great game for an aspiring poet to get their juices flowing, but for anyone else it may be incredibly dull. Besides that, it was an easy game to learn how to play. The directions were clear and concise.

None of what is shown on Oulipoems could be done in print. Sundays in the Park would be impossible, as a simple text document cannot make sound or change with a click. I personally believe electronic literature can make a regular text stronger, especially if it adds links in words that a person could find confusing. However, no matter how many gadgets the computer can add into a text, I would infinitely prefer reading a book and using my imagination.

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