Monday, April 6, 2009

Critique #3

I chose to critique 2River on the website. I believe these online literature journals are a great way to get a readership, especially if they are a newer journal. However, it wouldnt be great for everyone writing in the journal, because these journals only publish select articles each month/quarter/year. If you were one of the writers that was also published online, it could be great for your career, and you could gain a much larger readership. But if you are not, and it is only your name that is shown, your readership would stay the same. If you were that person, it may be a better idea to start your own blog and show your creative work that way.

The 2River website has links to each journal, and within that link there is a page to each writer's piece. No writer that has written for this journal seems to be left out. On the left side of the front page, there is a link that enables the viewer to easily bookmark or share the website. The viewer could share it via email, or even facebook or myspace. If that isnt showing a handle on new technology, I dont know what is.

I wouldnt mind having my work showcased on 2River. The website is neat, presentable, and very easy to follow. If my work got into the regular journal, it would also be definately showcased online. Even so, I still have issues with putting any of my work up online. What if someone steals it? If being published through this online helped me make a name for myself, I may just risk it. Besides, the stuff that I would send to them wouldnt be my most brilliant work anyway.

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